Todd & the Book of Pure Evil - Loser Generated Content

The only two members of the AV Club seek to get even with Todd for wrecking their audio visual lab while using his sword to fight off a beauty pageant contestant turned evil by a possessed wig (!) thanks to the Book of Pure Evil. While Dennis (Robel Zere) looks on, not comfortable with the revenge against Todd, Reggie (Benjamin Beauchemin) uses the Book of Pure Evil as an AV device, allowed to use video techniques to kill those flirting with Jenny, coming off a beauty pageant win (considered highly suspect considering all the other contestants were killed!) and attaining interest from all the guys in school. Jenny and Todd’s relationship becomes strained as she feels he is a stalker and has come on strong just far too often. She wants space and some distance, and Todd tries…but Reggie uses the Book of Pure Evil to draw him close to her even when he tries to avoid her (most egregious to him was awakening from fantasy while sleeping in bed in the closet of Jenny while in a towel after a shower). Most inventive is the use of movie editing techniques to kill students such as the split screen (which literally splits a guy in half!) and swipe (which crushes three friends into blood and broken bones!), emphasizing the AV in AV Club, all Book of Pure Evil style. Jenny is rather intolerable in this episode, having let the tiara go to her head (Hannah loses herself momentarily in an argument when she is lured towards it because it is just so sparkly) and all out mental towards Todd (who does himself no favors by being clinging and overdoing the come-ons). But those who watch the show realize that Todd and Jenny’s relationship is rocky, full of hills and valleys. Curtis gets to use his robot arm to help his buddy, and actually turns back time to save Todd after he’s electrocuted, with his body exploding, with only some blood and barely held together skeletal remains still standing! Jenny just bludgeons Todd with martial arts, repeatedly, expressing her fury for his inability to leave her the fuck alone (although Reggie was completely behind it). As the show remained during its life of two seasons, this episode is absurd in wonderful ways. Those behind the creative of the show drummed up plenty of elaborate and imaginative ways to kill people and use the Book of Pure Evil as a device to influence those against Todd. Todd has to be the most unheroic hero of any show including the character in its title. He just kind of sometimes gets lucky…well, most of the time. Hell, practically every time. Atticus almost seized the Book of Pure Evil here, but he likes Reggie’s spunk, allowing him to destroy Todd’s life so that he could be the one to claim Pure Evil One. Atticus decides he’ll start an army. The scene where Reggie and Dennis watch Todd and gang, with Atticus watching them, and then Reggie and Dennis watching him watching them further emphasizes the fun the filmmakers were having with the idea of AV and the influence of the Book of Pure Evil.


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