Todd & the Book of Pure Evil - Black Tie Showdown
Todd must now face his destiny: either to halt the impending
apocalypse or encourage its entry upon the earth. The high school principal
(!), Atticus (Chris Leavens), has gotten access to the Book of Pure Evil and
conjured from it a spell that turns him into a “man goat”. Meanwhile, Jenny
(Maggie Castle), has developed feelings for Todd (Alex House), still bummed he
was betrayed by a sex partner, vowing to help him find the Book of Pure Evil,
in order to vanquish it once and for all. But Atticus won’t allow that without
a fight…he wants to be the “Evil One”, to be the chief architect in the
Apocalypse and for Evil to reign supreme, with the world feeling Satan’s
supposed wrath. Todd, seeing only one option in order for Evil not to possibly destroy
the world, must get rid of the Book of Pure Evil but in doing so he doesn’t
realize one of his friends, Hannah (Melanie Leishman), is “marked” and will
endure mortal harm if he commits to that decision. Hannah’s boyfriend, Curtis
(Bill Turnbull), is fully behind paganism, but embarks on a speech during a
school dance to ridicule Satanism which is an evil form of paganism, as Atticus
must not only deter his words from making impact but worries Todd could be the
true chosen one to unleash Evil on the earth, not him. Ludicrous plot is
perfect for a high school setting, and the idea of some high school misfit
being the very one to stop Satan himself and an incoming apocalypse is what “Todd
& the Book of Pure Evil” rests its comedy on. Jason Mewes, the Jay in Kevin
Smith’s Jay & Silent Bob duo, is a janitor who must defend himself against
a trio of “metal heads” who are given the ability to converge as a hot babe
(!), a hot babe Todd knows *really* well. Hannah discovers a truth about her
parents and their ties to Satanism (their “scientific lair” located in the
bowels of a retirement home!), which explains the pentagram mark on her tummy,
while Curtis continues to read enthusiastically about the joys of paganism. The
high school cheerleader (Courtney-Jane White) wants to thank the brilliant
nerd, Dennis (Robel Zere), for getting rid of a compromising video of her, but
he’s uneasy associating with someone into such *freaky* things! So White
decides to join up with Atticus’ Satanist bunch, not really knowing what they
are truly about, recruited because of her interests in sex and such! The big
climactic showdown at the school dance with Todd resisting the urge to call on
the apocalypse and allow the Book of Pure Evil to release upon the earth Hell
itself as Atticus, complete with goat horns and hooves (even dropping some shit
balls/manure on the floor!), challenges him, goes as expected. Atticus is
undermined and Todd finds the good inside to overcome the evil that wants to
unleash peril on all in attendance. Hannah, unfortunately, is a casualty…or is
she? The ending (there would not be a third season) would seem to indicate
Hannah (or some version of her) is alive and well. The dialogue is of the
sarcastic/sardonic kind. Mewes, truly at a place in his life calling upon
reflection and contemplation, makes for a fun supporting character, his janitor
confronted by Todd looking for any insight or answers he might (but ultimately
doesn’t) have.
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