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Showing posts from June, 2023

The Werewolves come out to play on Shudder

Werewolvery gets its due on Shudder in June, and how could I not want to get a little wolfy in the early summer? I have come to the conclusion that The Howling (1981) has so many goodies that tickle my fancy. *Joe Dante almost kills Brenda Balaski as much as Stuart Gordon did his wife in their movies! Her torn apart torso laid bare inside the Colony’s barn worship chamber (where Doctor Waggner encourages her lycan tribe to “go and unwind”, having encouraged them to channel their violent impulses and resist the urges to kill and feed from humans) is just a gruesome sight, with her chest cavity displayed, her flesh torn away. *Revisiting this after watching the Dee Wallace segment on In Search of Darkness III really added an exclamation point on her reaction to her husband’s complaint towards her sex scene in Shadow Play (1986) considering his erotic, very naked sexual encounter with actress Elisabeth Brooks’ Marsha Quist. I had forgotten just how long and into it Christopher Stone and B

The Blog Getting some more focus.

 So I took mostly a break from the blog for a year, focused on my Letterboxd account (  ), and since I put so much effort over such a prolonged length of time, I felt it was time to just get a breather. But I'm hoping to start releasing reviews in full form on this blog and a short form for Letterboxd going forward since that account seems to function better in smaller scale writing style many others favor. And, honestly, I would prefer to use this blog for all my thoughts and Letterboxd more for brief snippets of them. Attention spans and all that. And even if I'm followed or follow over 600+, I understand that during a day, it can be a job, a real chore, to read long form reviews from everybody. I use this blog, oftentimes in the past, to get all my thoughts out, more or less because it is like some compulsion, some urge to do so. It doesn't go away, haha.