The Lone Gunmen - Three Men and a Smoking Diaper

I won’t deny this: as much as I love these guys, TLG, some of the episodes in their series just leave much to be desired with me. I have nothing against lightweight, light-hearted material, but I can’t help but feel while watching the show that there is so much more potential in the characters and their use. Regardless, this episode deals with TLG pursuing evidence on a Southern Senator who might have been involved in the death of an aid to his campaign which resulted in a child. TLG find this child with Frohike and Langly taking care of him while Byers and Jimmy Bond seek out proof against Senator Jefferson (Christopher Rich). A “deep throat” within the campaign offers clues to Jefferson’s affairs, illegitimate child, and the aid’s death. Jimmy even snookers his way into a campaign job, gaining trust with Jefferson’s two main aids (Randy Becker & Enid-Raye Adams) despite some really goofish behavior (the whole glue/envelope fiasco has to be seen to be believed).

Rich’s senator is obviously modeled after Billy Clinton, with the inability to remain faithful to his wife but full of folksy charm and people-pleasing appeal. He winds up copping to his mistakes in front of the world but TLG soon realize that maybe he isn’t as responsible for the heinous crime of murder as first believed. When you see TLG on the X-Files, their use was always quite fascinating and often included UFOs and the government Mulder often encountered difficulty with. The show so far has them dealing with dangers not all that threatening. Sure murder happens from time to time but the presentation doesn’t dwell on that with any real gut-wrenching potency. In this episode Langly and Frohike are having quite a hard time with the crying baby, teething as Yves soon informs them, her holding the toddler eventually bringing quiet after much noise. The baby even takes a nice, long piss on Langly with Frohike quite amused! Efforts to get evidence on the senator take an ironic turn when it is Jimmy asked to infiltrate the campaign for goods to be shed to light in an expose for TLG’s paper. Jimmy is very much a part of the show as TLG, a surprise to me considering I just thought their adventures would be consistently featuring the trio involving themselves in all sorts of government trouble. Instead we have Langly face to face with a cop regarding comments about his hair. Just the same, I love the cast and their personalities, and how situations make fun of them is toned with affection. I mean when you have Frohike posing as a patient suffering sever flatulence so that Langly can gain access to information on a physician's computer, it should come as no surprise that little about the show goes for the jugular...


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