The Drownsman
A young woman named Maddy (Michelle Mylett) has a devastating fear of the water and her attractive gal pals set up an intervention with help of a spiritualist but their efforts hurt instead of help, putting them all in danger when the monstrous form of a serial killer pulls them into his evil lair by way of the wet, whether out of puddles or drips. Caroline Korycki is Hannah, Maddy's best friend, named of Maid of Honor for her wedding...A wedding Maddy's unable to attend due to the rain outside! This missing of the wedding initiates Hannah into action, looking to shake Maddy from her phobia, not realizing that embracing the water would unleash Sebastian Donner (Ry Barrett) on her and those in attendance trying to assist. Sebastian doesn't want Maddy to be cured, specifically harboring an agenda she will perhaps unwittingly allow him to carry out successfully. Water is a theme heavily emphasized, it's use essential in how the killer operates through travel and supernatural murder. Why water torments Maddy, how it ties to a woman who killed Sebastian named Isabelle (JoAnn Nordstrom), and why the drownsman is so interested in Maddy all apply to the killer's agenda.
The violence is confined to the otherworldly lair Sebastian occupies, using drowning in the afterlife as he did while in human form. The opening vision of Sebastian's handiwork Maddy experiences packs a wallop, and initial traumatic power of phobia is well orchestrated. But the premise is rather silly and the repeated attacks on Maddy's friends fail to pack much punch besides a visually arresting aesthetic. The film doesn't look bad at all and the ladies involved certainly are as attractive as the style. But women flailing their arms while immersed in closed tanks or pulled into watery tubs, sinks, and aquariums just lack much in the department of terror. Dread in seeing a woman pulled into a puddle on a table by a hand that does the same to another victim nearly in a washing machine is lacking as well. Just not much left on the mind once the film is over although Sebastian has a cool look to him as his figure cuts serious menace, with the slick hair, piercing eyes, and intimidating presence. The ending could be seen coming the moment Maddy leaves Sebastian's old abandoned home thinking she persevered him.
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