1945 / Concluding 40s - Favorite Films

After an incredible 1945, the remaining decade didn't seem to close strong. I have been wanting to see Queen of Spades again, but that movie is HARD TO FIND. I knew this user on the IMDb who had this DVD which had Dead of Night and Queen of Spades...I bet that out of print DVD could bring serious bank for those wanting a copy of Queen of Spades. The quality of actors of the 40s is so impressive. Look at 1945 with Karloff in The Body Snatcher, Redgrave in Dead of Night, Karloff again in Isle of the Dead, Cregar in Hangover Square, McGuire in The Spiral Staircase, Karloff yet again in Bedlam, Lorre/Naisch in Beast, and, especially, Walbrook in Queen of Spades.


  1. The Body Snatcher 5/5

  2. Dead of Night 5/5

  3. Isle of the Dead 4/5

  4. Hangover Square 4/5

  5. Pillow of Death 3.5/5

  6. House of Dracula 2.5/5


  1. The Spiral Staircase 5/5

  2. Bedlam 4/5

  3. The Beast With Five Fingers 4/5 


  1. Queen of Spades 4/5


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