The Twilight Zone - Of Late I Think of Cliffordville**

Of Late I Think of Cliffordville has two recurring TZ themes together in its hour: time travel (which was just touched on a few episodes prior) and the Devil (this time in the form of the sexy Newmar, perhaps the best casting of that part during the series). I will include the link to my review.

The bald skull cap on Salmi was really distracting this go-around, but no one could play a sonofabitch like him. Seeing his downfall was especially a pleasure as Newmar, with such a devilish grin and carrying herself with panache, milks his efforts to secure safe passage back to where he came from in the 34 years of future before she gave him the chance to go back in the past to supposedly enjoy the ride again for all their worth. When Feathersmith fucks over a former business associate (frequent TZ actor, Anderson), laughing through a loud intercom as he solemnly walks to the elevator past the corridor of secretaries and their desks, seeing this megalomaniac get his just desserts makes spending such a long time with him worth it. Newmar negotiating with Salmi, exploring the files of this company conquering miscreant and orchestrating a monetary exchange, appealing to his devious nature, is quite a hoot.

Review here: Cliffordville


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