iZombie - Cape Town
I could help but grin. Major is at a bar, there’s a
beautiful woman at the other end, and all he has to do is glance over. She damn
nears giggles like a school girl getting attention from the jock hunk. This
after a row with Liv over the Gilda lingerie pose (no face, of course), keeping
Ravi up. The crime scene of the episode has a wannabe superhero win green suit
and cape called The Fog, found totaled in the back of a garbage truck. He had
prevented a mugging by helping a young woman running from hoods in an alley.
This shop teacher who moonlights as a caped crusader will be the brain Liv
subway sandwiches. Ravi was shocked he didn’t know about The Fog after Clive
tells him about the guy’s reputation. Major’s “spidey senses” leave chill bumps
when he approaches that young woman in the bar, realizing she’s a zombie.
“Cape Town” gets plenty intense. With another breakup at the
end between Liv and Major [of course] and Clive no longer willing to be partner
with Liv after her “superhero stunt”, invading Mr. Boss’ warehouse to look for
dangerous illegal guns while pummeling his hired thugs (and being nearly killed
by the killer of The Fog, the very one he was trying to help), leaves him with
no choice due to the criminal trespass. Mr. Boss, in fact, actually kills the
woman trying to steal his money, with the gun pointed at Liv. Mr. Boss save’s
Liv’s life and continues to perform his criminal empire day-to-day without nary
a single shred of evidence that can be brought against him (the warehouse, a
Christmas store where he even wears a Santa suit, houses the guns and thugs for
a bit before Liv’s intrusion sends them in hiding). Liv’s face speaks it all…without
the partnership of Clive, her sense of self-worth diminishes. And that factors
into Liv’s decision to end it with Major…he wants the Liv pre-zombie, absent
the behavioral changes, personality swings, and cravings for human brains.
The episode has Major assisting a “zombie hooker” with being
“put to freeze” in order to keep from giving over her body to do a pimp’s
bidding for brains. He promises that if a cure doesn’t eventually arrive she
wouldn’t have to ever worry about zombie-ism again. Major needed someone to
talk to, to confess his sins regarding killing zombies (known among the zombies
as the “bogeyman”), and admit that it is all because if he doesn’t Liv would be
killed by Max Rager. Initially he was at her home to take her out, but when she
is about to do so herself, he stops her. His bouts with a guilty conscience are
quite evident here when he can’t kill her as he had others. Losing Liv—again—will
potentially lead him back to Gilda…but I don’t think anyone felt that could
ever last. Nor could Major continue to kill for Max Rager. 2.5/5
*fans of the superhero genre should get a kick out of Liv here, often standing firm, sturdy, forthright, and serious while emitting comic gobbledygook that excites Ravi into massive smiles when she speaks.
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