Lost - Outlaws***
If only Jack knew. Sawyer knows. And, true to Sawyer's nature, he doesn't tell. Lost can reveal eye-opening surprises so unexpectedly. Sawyer is in a bar, agonizing about how he couldn't pull the trigger on a man, operating a shrimp truck, he believes is responsible for his mom's death. It is the "feeling sorry for yourself" blues, dumping shots while brooding over his failure. Jack's dad has lost everything thanks to his alcoholism. Sawyer has a conversation with this former chief of surgery in this random Australian bar, not realizing he is Jack's dad. Deteriorating clearly from the great surgeon he once was, this man does say he should tell his son how proud he is of being brave enough to do the right thing, that he loves his son despite such a decision's aftermath. Once Sawyer later realizes Jack is that son, he can only be amused by it. Giving the gun to Jack and walking away, having spared the boar that had been bothering him, much to Kate's approval, Sawyer has his secrets intact. And while looking for the boar, as Kate helped him track it for a spell, the two share a fire, a game of "I Never" with swapped little bottles of booze, and a visit by Locke who offers an anecdote from his own past about a dead sister and a grieving foster mother's experience with a beautiful golden retriever. Lost offers perspectives and encounters that certainly alter our own way of looking at the characters that populate the island.
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