Bob Cooper
I had read an article on the Episode II of Twin Peaks: The
Return regarding how David Lynch’s “treatment of women” was behind the times
and simply, in no certain terms, out of touch with the era we now live. Women
shouldn’t be brutalized, misogynistically devalued, and harshly run through
humiliation, degradation, and eventually murder. The character of particular
note for this was Darya, a delectable darling attached to “Bob Cooper” (my name
for Bob, as he possesses the body of Special Agent Dale Cooper). I have
wondered all week to myself about what all Bob Cooper has done for 25 years.
Poor Dale’s body has been abducted by such a monstrous creep, wearing this
scowl that is fixed on his mug as the hair has been allowed to grow to his
shoulder, and the body count left in his wake, I can only imagine a trail
across the US. The leather jacket and shady associates he congregates, Bob has
really taken the hostage body and abused it to the point that perhaps Dale’s
better off in the Black Lodge at this point chatting with “the arm” and its “Is
the future or the past?” colleague. Darya had been plotting with Ray (another
criminal probably checkered with a past quite unpleasant) to kill Bob Cooper,
but it all backfires. Ray gets arrested (supposedly) and another associate who
had wired Bob Cooper’s car is “taken care of” (Bob does this peculiar face
squeeze with his hand that isn’t necessarily as much intimidating as it is
awkward. But that is what I expect from Lynch, and, at this point, wouldn’t
want it any other way. You want normal plotting…just avoid Lynch and Twin Peaks
altogether. Darya realizes too late that there is no escape. A perfectly placed
recording device behind a pillow caught Darya and Ray’s talk about Bob Cooper’s
demise. So Bob Cooper addresses this by clinching her tight, punching her in
the face, and telling her in no certain terms she’ll be dying quite soon. He
wants to know who put the hit on him, for which she points to Ray for the
answer on that one. She offers nothing of value to him (except her sweet sex
and that body does seem worth salvaging, but alas…) and so he finishes her off
in less than humbling fashion. She begs for her life, of course, but it just
does no good. And that is what some have a problem with. Women, in the past,
have been treated less than kind in Lynch’s movie/television history. I think
of Isabella Rossellini’s Dorothy Vallens in Blue Velvet (1986) off the top.
Darya, because she’s “bad news” (I will always wonder what exactly drew her
into Bob Cooper’s nefarious orbit), brought her fate on herself…that line of
thinking irks those who consider women serving as victims in film/television
passé and wrong-headed. Within this world, the world of Twin Peaks, many (not
just the Daryas that come along) suffer and die.
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