Game of Thrones - And Now His Watch Has Ended

And Now His Watch Is Ended certainly finished with a riveting visual of the freed Unsullied slave army leaving the burning, slave city, as those who whipped them and treated them as possessions to order around (including the sleazy, demeaning slave trader, Kraznys mo Nakloz (Dan Hildebrand)) are left as corpses. Kraznys, in particular, soon realizes that the deal he made with Daenerys doesn't go as he expected, with the "best dragon she has" burning him alive as she informs him that it isn't a slave.
But for the most part, this episode will leave a bad taste considering all the sadism.

You see that the sweeper of the torture chamber who "helped Theon escape" leads him around and back to the same castle that had been where his foot was driven in with a twisting vice while body blows remained consistent. Who is this sadist? Could he be Roose Bolton's bastard? Gaining his trust, this sadist listens to Theon go on and on about his drama as the boy raised by Ned while wanting to prove loyalty to his father, soon led right back to his torture chamber unknowingly. Why would he go through so much effort? Is it all a game? And Jaime, his severed hand slumped over his chest from a leather rope as a reminder of what he's lost, his face worse for wear, without water or food, on a horse he soon falls from despite Brienne's requests to the Northerners, led by the gleaming Locke (reveling in his hostage's misery). Once off the horse, Locke offers him horse piss in a canteen while kicking him around in horse manure mud, the Northern soldiers mocking him as he tries to use a taken sword to fight with his weak hand. Brienne eventually confirms what we already knew...the "sapphire" was for blue water not riches. So Jaime uncharacteristically helped someone. Brienne returns the favor by scolding him for just wanting to die, reminding him that this is just the first bit of suffering he truly has had to endure; something taken from him is quite new to him.

Cersei wants to know if her father is trying to locate Jaime, and Tywin reminds her that he started a war when Tyrion was kidnapped, so if he would do that for a son he doesn't care for he sure would do everything in his power to rescue his heir. Cersei, though, wants his approval because she feels out of all his children, she is the one who listened to him the most and wants him to do something about the Tyrells. She doesn't like that Margaery has her "claws" in Joffrey. Tywin assures her that he will keep Joffrey in line. Margaery, to her credit, has seduced and manipulated Joffrey quite a bit, such as building his favor with those in his kingdom, listening to him and encouraging, warm and positive with every historical fact Joffrey gladly offers her as they walk about the Iron Throne and its halls. She even goes to Sansa (Margaery's mother also has an interest in Ned Stark's daughter, as her conversation with Lord Varys soon indicates) during prayer to have a chat about marrying her brother and being queen of Highgarden. Margaery does have quite an adversary in Cersei as Cersei is more than displeased with how Joffrey has become such a puppet on her string.
But the title of the episode refers to something Lord Commander Mormont says as they speak over the burning body of a Night's Watchman; this coming before his own men turn on him due to how Caster, at his keep, had treated them. Caster has went out of his way to make sure they feel unwelcome, offering his place, as a wildling "ally" of Lord Mormont, his home with all his wives (many his daughters he makes other girls with), but not without scorn to the Night's Watch, outside The Wall. Craster sees that the men appear ready to strike so he goes at one of their members and gets a dagger through his face while Lord Commander Mormont is stabbed by sword from behind, eventually succumbing to his injuries while another of his own men stabs him repeatedly. Craster's Keep becomes a zone of chaos as supporters of Lord Commander Mormont duel with those that turned against him. And Samwell, with Gilly (and her male baby), scurry away as they are warned that once found their throats would be slit.
A ton of dark subject matter permeates throughout this entire episode.

Perhaps the most memorable features Tyrion getting some alone time with Lord Varys as he explains to him his castration experience and the sorcerer who burned his privates in flames as a voice reached out from within the fire. This has left Varys repulsed with any magician. He moves about furniture and opens a wooden plank to reveal to Tyrion the sorcerer, proving to him that revenge is possible. Varys and his many spies are often of topic when he speaks to others, and the series continues to reveal more and more about him, while he is still quite enigmatic in what is his true motives and plans. He is certainly not a fan of Littlefinger gaining access to Sansa and becoming too powerful, particularly since he's off to the Eyrie to make Lady Aryn his wife. Whether Olenna and Cersei speak about trying to keep their sons from dying in war, Olenna opining roses as an image of valor or her barbs with Varys; Diana Rigg is a treasure on the show.
As far as the Stark children go: Arya is still with the Brotherhood with No Banners, pledging their allegiance to the fire god, as Beric Dondarrion emerges from the shadows of a cavern to declare doom on The Hound for his murders of Targ babies (he dismisses outright) while Arya calls him out for killing her little friend, Bran continues to dream of his ability to walk while chasing the raven, climbing a tree with mother trying to get him to promise her he won't climb anymore.


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