The X Files / Ghost in the Machine / Notes
They can do anything they won't. - Deep Throat, talking about the Department of Defense to Mulder.
Artificial Intelligence that kills to protect itself. Department of Defense interested in this AI. Mulder's former partner killed when he goes to apprehend the brains behind that AI, its Central Operating System (C.O.S.) in control of this big building also responsible for the death of a CEO who orchestrates the release of the man behind the very invention/creation of the IA. Brad Wilczek (Rob LaBelle) understands that much like Oppenheimer, whose conscience never recovered from the drop of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his invention of this dangerous AI could be a dangerous weapon in the possession of the government, looks to discontinue the COS. Mulder, reeling from the loss of his friend, wants to help Wilczek set off a virus that kills the machine. In this episode, Deep Throat is briefly involved in the plot, more or less informing Mulder of the DOD's interest in the AI. Mulder is only involved when his former partner on the Violent Crimes Section, Jerry (Duvall) needs help resurrecting his fallen-on-hard-times reputation after a serious mistake in an Atlanta Hate Crimes case. Taking Mulder's notes and acting as if they were his own in a meeting with their superiors was just not cool. But Mulder would have been in that elevator with Jerry to apprehend Brad if Jerry hadn't wanted to arrest him alone for the much-needed boost in his flailing career. Jerry's desperation is on pointe, even as Mulder would have bent over backwards to help him. This is a good example of how much Mulder cares about people. All Jerry would have had to do is request his help with the notes before presenting their case to their FBI superiors. Mulder let Jerry be the one to go and attempt to arrest Brad. And Mulder stops at nothing to stop the COS after killing his friend. Mankuma as the "glorified building super" and ultimately a DOD plant to secure the needed information access for the government in regards to the AI fails in his mission...or does he? Scully getting caught in the ventilation ducts as a fan charges up provides some suspense and her affectionate approach to Mulder, whose obviously hurting from the loss of his friend, just allows us to fall in love with her even more. The human moments between them are why the show resonated with me. I appreciated them.
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