The X Files / Deep Throat / Notes a position to know a lot of things.. - Deep Throat

You have much work to do, Agent Mulder. Don't jeopardize your own efforts.. --Deep Throat

Deep Throat tells Mulder that the military won't tolerate the FBI investigating a missing person's case. He wasn't wrong. Did that stop Mulder? Of course not. But despite his efforts and success to learn of stealth technology resulting from alien technology, the military, as Deep Throat stated in a DC bar bathroom during a busy noon day, do stop Mulder from revealing that truth through a "brain swipe". That is horrible, too, Scully receiving Mulder after that. "Selective amnesia" brought on by the military's use of drug induced memory loss. Take away what he knows and what is left is Mulder walking about in a daze, unaware of the extraordinary aircraft he saw perform for him. What happens to pilots--this is what brought Mulder to the airbase in "potato country" to begin with--who seem to lose specific memories, dropped off to their spouses not entirely intact, is horrifying. Mulder not knowing how he got to the base, confused and disoriented, looking like part of him has been removed, is really tragic. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, unless you want specific memories seemingly "cut away". This technology the military protects...why is it such a priority? According to airbase security masquerading as a local reporter (Michael Bryan French), the agents are the ones who are in the wrong. Notable for Seth Green's appearance, as a stoner with a girlfriend who hangs out at the airbase in the background sometimes. But this is Jerry Hardin's introduction.

Mr Mulder, they have been here for a long time. - Deep Throat


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