iZombie - Conspiracy Weary
Well zombies in Seattle weren't always going to remain safe and secret. At some point some reporter--in this episode's case, Rachel--would go undercover and get a big story. Ravi spilling the beans after their harrowing experience at the opening of this episode, as Harley and his boys look to get the ultimate response from Don E, to Rachel, that inevitability of the truth about zombies going out into the public was assured. It took towards the end of the third season, though, for zombies in Seattle to be published in a newspaper. Zombie truthers, as they are nicknamed, were on the cusp of revealing real evidence to the public at large. Rachel made sure that knowledge was publicized for the city to absorb. But Harley Johns was not the one who killed Wally. The season seemed to indicate Harley was responsible. Clive dedicated his pursuit of the zombie truther ring out of memory of Wally. But Liv's vision disputing that (Harley in the car with the paranoid conspiracy theorist whose brain she ate, along with the deprived and starving Don E and Blaine, who answered a call of help from Ravi) leaves Clive in shock as they located Harley's underground bunker, with its opening inside a build outhouse, finding him in zombie form sleeping on a couch! It seems Harley was scratched. "Conspiracy Weary" is chock full of developments. Liv and Peyton work out the dominatrix case and determine a theory that the newly elected zombie mayor had her killed by Weckler for the concealed recording, found by Peyton and Weckler's daughter, Tatum. Tatum's "brain freeze" gives her zombie status away to Peyton, so Peyton also works out a scenario where Weckler had to keep her safe and might have been coerced into action. Blaine, even, besides helping Liv rescue Don E, coordinates a possible working relationship with Fillmore-Graves, since he has brains that might be desired for the "troops". Blaine got his teammate back, Peyton and Liv believe the zombie mayor had the dominatrix and her killer (and the security guard who killed Weckler) executed, Major breaks it off with a current lover who was totally into him (even dedicating a Tumblr account to their relationship), Ravi gives Rachel the goods on "zombies aren't monsters" resulting in truth published for an entire city (and soon the world), and Harley wasn't Wally's killer. The episode did settle that great cliffhanger from the previous episode. To no one's surprise, I'm sure, Harley didn't shoot Ravi...he just pistol whipped him.
My favorite moment of the episode: Liv, Blaine, and Don E all ate from the same conspiracy nut and have a vision at the same exact time. Clive's reaction as they freeze and come out of that vision was pure gold. It was a trip. Oh, and their Tupac conspiracy theories at the Scratching Post is a hoot of a scene, too. 4/5
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