The X Files - Colony / Notes

Scully on a widescreen is always welcome, even if scolding Mulder about pursuing what he believes is the truth no matter how insane or the danger.

That moment I imagine shocked all X Files fans at the time. 

I think I can speak for most X Files fans when I say that we just wanted Fox to have some measure of happiness. He was so often left disappointed, so frustrated.

I don't mind the "monsters of the week" at all, but when the show gets back to the alien conspiracies, I'm all about it! Brian Thompson's intense face and intimidating presence (if looks could kill, his cold, icy stare would eviscerate) as the alien bounty hunter pursuing a number of alien clones with the form of humans is definitely a memorable introduction to the show. That the show gives us a reunion of sorts between Mulder and his sister, Samantha, was such a big deal as I remember at the time. The opening with Mulder in a frozen state of near hypothermia, seemingly on the verge of death as a frightened Scully rushes in telling the doctors attending to him to get him out of hot water was such a jarring and electric open to "Colony". I recall feeling quite taken aback by it...what caused this?! Mulder narrating about the truth and that if his death would bring that into the light, then his end would be worth it certainly set us off on quite a two-part journey!

There was this very important scene where Scully brings some hard truth to Mulder about how his obsession with this pursuit of the truth gets an agent killed (he sent this agent to a "twin's" home to guard him from danger, but he arrives to find Thompson killing him, with the clone just a green acid puddle of goo, firing upon Thompson, with toxins from the wounds responsible for his death), that his drive can often carry her into that same danger. Mulder loses his cool and tells Scully to break from this pursuit of twin abortion doctors anytime she so chooses. They have these spats from time to time. Sometimes Mulder needs to be set straight when he fails to realize his work on the X Files has potential consequences that could possibly kill Scully. She always has Mulder's best interests at heart.

Mulder does get tunnel vision. It did all start with Samantha's abduction. He wanted to find her while also proving that what he saw was legit. No matter what others thought of his work, to find Samantha and provide truth that has been concealed would be worth all his struggles and challenges, the continued blight of his reputation. That scene where Samantha shows up at his parents' house and he sees is quite a pivotal scene on the show. And yet what soon follows in the next episode is such a punch in the gut. 4/5


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