Haunted house films are a dime a dozen, and in the case of 1408 it is "haunted room". Cusack stars as an author of all things haunted, cynical to the core, totally an unbeliever of anything spiritual or paranormal. He writes about all the reputed, haunted places, staying in them, having developed a smug and sarcastic attitude as he's spent time in his chosen profession. He passes off comments calculatedly dictated on an audio tape for future reference. He is a rather lonely sad sack, but there's a reason behind it. There's a pain caused by such loss that fuels his snobbery and fuck-all middle finger at life. It's clear he's riding the wave (using this coin of phrase because of his hobby of surfing when on leave from his ghost hunting and writing) with little incentive to care about anything. 1408 is a room that utilizes the trauma of those within its walls. It seems to have carte blanche at toying and manipulating its occupants. Cusack is just the latest victim.

Up above was a little of the write up before the one I posted on the blog. General synopsis. There's some irony, though, in being re-introduced to watching 1408 thanks to a user posting a thread about it on the Horror Board of the IMDb. I am currently in the beginning of the short story in Stephen King's Everything's Eventual which inspired the film. It is kind of cool to see how each will differ in what changes were made to the character and what happens to him. It was simply coincidence, but nonetheless a rather neat bit of happenstance.


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