Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht (1979) / Joe Bob's Drive-In revisit

When Ganz first cuts his thumb with the bread knife and Kinski pushes over the chair to press him backwards into the chair, this after trying to pull away from sucking his blood and being unable to, is just yikes. Kinski also walking like a specter down a dark tunnel, just his pallid face visible, eventually haunting Ganz' room before closing in and drawing out his long sharp fingers/nails to take more of his blood is double yikes. God, Adjani...I thought to myself, Herzog, the painter he is, has such incredible beauty and enchanting screen presence to capitalize on for his film scene after scene. The canvas of the calibre of Herzog and Adjani being available is pure kismet.

I like that Kinski looks like a parasite needing to feed from whoever is available. And that wherever he goes, he's a plague. He's walking death. And Herzog makes sure Kinski is every bit a visual representation of vile, pestilence, and decay.

Oh, Herzog sure knows how to layer his natural settings with this choir of a minimalist vocal score. It isn't robust or even that orchestral, just very atmospheric and stirs up this feeling of eventual, inevitable darkness to befall wherever Dracuul goes.


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