2022 Friday the 13th Week


August 13, 2022 will be Part III's 40th anniversary

Some Letterboxd anecdotes:

Monday, 9th. Friday V (1985)

I still, all these years later, wonder why, when mapping out the chores for the day, Matt and Pam thought it was a good idea decided upon unstable Vic with his serious control issues, was given wood-chopping duties and an ax.

"Come over here, Roy. Get your hands dirty."

A New Beginning (1985)

I used to be *that kid* who was so pissed at the twist regarding the identity of the killer and hated this in the 90s because of it. The 2000s and 2010s I've come around to it. The damn thing is crude, vulgar, perverted, profane, cut to shit (said it before, saying again, Fuck you, MPAA!), with my favorite score by Manfredini and the hallucinations and nightmares of Jason in Tommy's tortured mind kick ass. I just loved Reggie when I was a kid, thought what Matt and Pam were trying was admirable, felt bad for Reg's grandpa, and always considered the Voorhees sexually liberated character refreshing. Ma and Junior is just right for some road trip to hell Rob Zombie style. In fact, now that I think of it, this really does feel like a Friday the 13th film directed by Zombie.

Is there a bigger sleazeball than Billy? I am glad we got Lana as much as we did. Danny seemed the perfect director for a Hollywood coked out of its mind in the mid 80s where everybody was snorting and sampling every base desire.

EXTREME CLOSEUP! Shock and awe and eyes of horror, Danny's camera was all about it!

Tuesday, 10th. Friday 3 (1982)

Rick should have spent the weekend with Mary Jo Conrad. I think I noticed a Led Zeppelin sticker on the back van window with the shag carpet even on the door. I still think the van passing by the Crystal Lake General Store with Chris sticking her head out to see the cops down the hill tending to the crime scene is great foreshadowing. When my daughter sees Ali in the film she always says, "That's the bouncer from Fright Night!" I did see Springsteen The Boss sticker on the van bumper while the motorcycle gang are taking fuel.

Yeah, I don't think it was just the clotheslines that made me feel like this Jason felt the most Myers-like. Sort of how he ghosts feel very Shape. Yeah, I still feel Fox's pitchfork neck stab into the frame of the upper loft of the barn is my favorite murder set piece besides the Andy body mutilation.

Why do you think they made Debbie pregnant in the film? It's an interesting detail I was always curious about.

Anyway, I unnecessarily preordered and received today the 40th anniversary steelbook. I didn't need it. Break from this if you can. This along with five was on my ugh list at the bottom in the 90s as far as the Paramount 8 goes, but it is probably the sequel I've watched the most the last 22 years. And I used to be that obnoxious Dana sux kid in the 90s, but I think her taking it to Jason at the end, full freakout mode, just coming at him with the knife and really bringing the fight might be why I'm not anymore.


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