Oof...How to avoid the whip-wielding Vampire and her Barbarian Brutes!

I am often amused at the underlying kink that is quite pervasively confrontational in Rollin's work. What I mean is that you get a vampire in Napoleonic decor, a whip-wielding partner who emerges to take control by cracking it as their barbarian brutes arrive to the scene with orders to confiscate Marie-Pierre Castel and Mireille Dargent and have them join the gang. Yep, Louise Dhour cracks a whip when she makes her first appearance into the movie. Oh, she grabs the girls by the hair, presses them to her "blood sister" (Dominique Toussaint), and they seem destined for the bite. They aren't so keen on taking the bite so they get free...but for how long?

I like the way the close-to-the-bite scene plays out. There's a seductive quality the bite has. You can see Dominique Toussaint clearly enjoying the idea of the girls, unaware of this vampire world until just recent through the arrival to this country cemetery and chateau, being involuntarily inducted into the "sisterhood" (later it is revealed that they all serve a weakened vampire Count who needs blood in order to gain strength). Mireille seems destined to be turned first. The kiss closes in and Dominique is about to seal it with Mireille. But just as it is about to happen the apparent victim makes a quick getaway. That is the seduction, the tease, and yet it isn't satiated. Just a quick taste of the throat and before the penetration, it is such an alluring closeness that just gets away. It is overtly sexual...this bite, this kiss. But sometimes the allure doesn't follow with true satisfaction.


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