X Files / Bad Genes

 For my actual Review

It does seem like I watched an X Files episode where "corrupted biological genes passed down from one family member to another" just recently. I could be getting all my science fiction shows mixed up. This is definitely a story line I have seen used in science fiction and horror television before. A woman detective in Aubrey, Missouri, is seemingly attacking women much like her father (she doesn't realize that a victim from 1942 who survived a serial killer gave birth to her and gave her for adoption because she was the spawn of the monster who attacked her) did 50 years prior. She dug up a profiler who was buried in a field and later pops open with a crowbar floorboards with another profiler buried under the floor, seemingly lured there after experiencing the events through her father's memories, introduced to her through visions.

Woodward makes your skin crawl. At least he was sickly, deprived of much movement, hooked to an oxygen machine, with a face red-blotched. Just popping smokes and watching television. BJ Morrow (Strang), his unfortunate offspring, pregnant with her cop partner's (O'Quinn, celebrated actor of film and television) child, doesn't have a good ending to her story. Her child will be a boy and she's in a padded cell. Her "mutated genes", as Scully narrates at the end, seem to be a reason she might have acted on her father's "genetic evil". Mulder, of course, nearly gets a straight-razor to the throat as does BJ's mom.

I thought the way the past is drawn from to solve cases of the future was neat such as the connection to the New York World's Fair and the discovered bodies (and how Brother is recognized as carved into skeletal bones) from 50 years prior. And we see what BJ envisions from the memory of her depraved father. How he says Little Sister to Scully while dragging and pewing smoke from cigs is quite repulsive...you can tell this guy was quite a creep.


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