X Files / Alien DNA in Kids
Mark Rolston (often a heavy in various genre stuff; quite dependable for a good snarl and look of disgust or intimidating stare) as a the leader of the Odin Order operating the Church of the Red Museum, is basically anti-beef who believe enlightened spirits inhabit the bodies of others--Mulder mentions, "walk-ins". I just watched an older episode of Unsolved Mysteries involving this belief by folks claiming to have experienced this--and have congregated together in rural Wisconsin. In a small town teenagers are being drugged, with magic marker print of "He is One" or "She is One" found on their backs as they walk about without clothes in a state of duress. Later Mulder and Scully find out that these kids (who were showing behavioral changes altering their personalities for the worst) were being "inoculated" by the town doc with Alien DNA (the same kind in the Erlenmeyer Flask). Of course, this biological substance of peculiar origin was only found in a cracked bottle with small residue, not enough to really prove as serious evidence while the executioner of Deep Throat is in the area to cover up any proof of Alien DNA (or those who have it inside them, told to the kids by their doc they were being injected with "vitamins"). This was an episode that could easily just get lost in the second season and series as a whole and few would be the wiser. But it does have Scully with a BBQ apron and sauce on her face and Mulder and Scully get to ride in a pickup with an old cow farmer showing them bovine injections...so not all bad! And the episode does speak about vegetarians with red head coverings and white robes as a community looking on as Rolston types about their destiny on a computer while another speaks on his behalf. It is another rural road trip for Scully and Mulder, out of DC and supposedly on the outskirts of government alien conspiracies. Conveniently, the assassin of Deep Throat, noticed by chance by Scully, doesn't get away this time. The creepy guy behind the mirror with videotapes, later interrogated by Mulder, who was also injecting cows, definitely was of the "make the skin crawl" variety.
I did write a bit more about it Here
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