iZombie - Wag the Tongue Slowly
So a busybody gossiper at a dental company is found dead in a urinal in the ladies restroom by co-workers after someone (an employee) tainted her yogurt with Utopium...her skin was pale with a bloated tongue sticking out of her mouth. Liv eats her brain in some chili, and that gossiping, stick-your-nose-in-everyone's-business personality takes over, with her interests in Seattle Police Department, the dental company where the murder occurred, and the relationship between Blaine and Peyton (yuck) juicy soap operas completely taking up her attention as Clive tries to reel that in to his advantage during the investigation. Clive and Liv have to really investigate a lot of logs and texts, but eventually three candidates surface to the top of the list...a former porn star (80 films in five months, with a specialty in "noir porn"), an adulterer outed with resulting divorce, and an employee with a "torpedoed" promotion.
Meanwhile Major is very sick, with an inhaler is standby when he gets bad coughing fits, inspired to rescue a zombie he realizes is being "held up" in a hotel (he had promised to save her later), offering her Ravi's "human serum". He's expected to go on a Filmore-Graves mission soon. Ravi is reeling from being caught with a former boss by Peyton (this love triangle subplot including Blaine is just not my jam), in a deep depression where his attitude leaves much to be desired...he's mopey, morose, and cranky. Serves him right...why he would be fucking his former CDC boss when Peyton was available, it's hard to feel any sympathy for him. Blaine is still pleasant, sweet, thoughtful, and caring, with Peyton just falling hard for him. That for a majority of the series, Blaine is a murdering cretin, a self-centered, sociopathic, cold-blooded killer not above screwing over plenty of innocent people if it benefits him. Now he's right the opposite and Peyton can't wait to take his hand and lead her to the bedroom for a late morning shag. Ugh. Gross.
***McIver's facial expressions and exact manner of the gossiper's speech, how she matches her beat for beat, just nailing that entire caricature is an absolute blast. She's just so entertaining. This role really allowed her to mine some many types of characterizations while still keeping Liv active as well.***
***Peyton in one of Blaine's coffins, and their quaint, warm conversations just leave me all uneasy...or is that queasy?***
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