Black Mirror - The Waldo Moment

Jamie is wrought with disappointment in his career in comedy as his sole claim to fame is behind the blue bear cartoon persona that mocks guests on a talk show. It is a character he wants to disassociate himself from but can’t. To divorce from this character will be especially difficult when Waldo (the name of the digital blue bear) becomes a hit with the viewing public and in social media for its attacks on a Conservative Party member (old values with new hair) and a “fake politician” for the Liberal Party who just wants her way into television. The madman behind Waldo’s emergence is a producer (Jason Flemyng, stealing the show as always) wanting this cartoon to be a voice for the youth of Britain, seeing Jamie’s meltdown during a political  debate as the catalyst. Who would know that Waldo would spirit a movement that could yield a change in social behavior! Flemyng as the ringleader is the sudden Waldo “nationalist” movement as Jamie’s attempts to free himself from the character haunting him is all part of the political satire but by episode’s end it gets all dark and a bit unsettling. Offering anyone some cash to beat up Jamie (yes, his producer takes over for Waldo and won’t allow his meal ticket to be undermined) or toss a shoe at a politician, the producer sees Waldo as his source of power and change. It is an unexpected twist but perhaps not altogether far-fetched. That Jamie’s interest in the Liberal candidate is quashed before it can get truly started serves as a charter jet for what transpires later during his meltdown. It all goes to pot and Jamie can’t stop the downward spiral. Beaten up by police and homeless, Jamie’s disheartening collapse is epic. Jamie's inability to escape the shadow of Waldo left the biggest impression on me although Flemyng's domineering producer gassing the flames certainly also is hard to forget.


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