Someone made a good point on the IMDb Horror board yesterday regarding the houses in House & House II being characters unto themselves. I hadn't planned on any other comments on the films, but I think the houses are very much charscters--important ones--like the humans who occupy them. Just the way directors Miner and Wiley have Mac Ahlberg shoot the houses to give them "personality": I think essential to the success of many of these films is if the houses grab your attention and are given life. Watch how Dan Curtis always did that with his films: his houses always had a sinister vibe to them quite integral to how successful the stories involving them were.

The outer exterior shots of the two houses in House and House II are depended upon to direct interest to what happens inside them. Added bonus of Manfredini's score, eerie in Miner's film and fanciful in Wiley's, and perhaps our memories recall the movies now and then...for better or worse!


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