Seed of Chucky (2004) [SYFY edit]

 Since I was watching Seed of Chucky (and the Chucky series) with my daughter, I decided to use the SYFY edit. Regardless, Seed is where the series seriously jumped the shark. Don Mancini really took the series off the rails. I do think after this, Curse of Chucky (2013) was a slight return to form, or, at the very least, wasn't outright shit. The Hollywood insider content Mancini includes, with Jennifer Tilly actually playing an actress resembling herself, and the whole gender confusion of Chucky and Tiffany's offspring; this sequel really had me pining for the days when Chucky was actually scary (well, at least in the first film) and threatening, not some running joke. Yes, a killer doll that quips profanities perhaps could be considered a joke, but Tom Holland's direction made it all work. That was way back in 1988. By Seed, Mancini really took what he and director Yu had done with Bride of Chucky (1998) and went even further...over the fucking cliff. That Chucky and Tiffany bear offspring at all is just too absurd for me personally to take seriously. And giving Glen/Glenda a skin tone and color of hair that in no way resembles that of his/her parents made no sense to me at all...which was probably the point, I guess. But with Tiffany drugging Jennifer Tilly (good grief, this is just silly) and impregnating her with Chucky's semen, this leads to a quick pregnancy (a voodoo pregnancy) and the birth of twins with curly red hair...again, all of these developments just further illustrate how Mancini decided to take the series into the loonies. Well, I did like John Waters as a reporter looking for a scoop, his face melted by acid in a good effects scene, and Charles finally just saying to hell with moving to a human body after so much effort trying to do so at the end of the film did amuse me. I kept wondering how the hell Tilly's breasts stayed inside her tight dresses, though...I felt that even the right cough would pop those boobs from their place. The Britney Spears and "Bound" references, Julia Roberts jokes, and Tilly's making fun of how she appears to the public with her image...these Mancini inclusions might appeal to a specific audience. I'm just not really that audience. Tiffany attempting to kick the kill addiction while Chucky refuses to abide by that "cold turkey" decision gets a lot of Mancini attention. But Glen/Glenda is especially of great importance to Mancini, really dedicated to conveying this duality, a struggle who figure out who he/she is. Maybe that will be of particular interest to viewers as well. I will stick to the first two Chucky films. 1.5/5


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