Lost - Whatever the Case May Be [Kate]

Lost cut its teeth on revealing truths about folks that perhaps viewers weren’t anticipating. Kate is obviously a character that has reasons for being secretive. Now during the episode of “Whatever the Case May Be” we are privy to details Jack and Sawyer don’t know about or learn. Kate wants something in a brown envelope located in a Halliburton case, and Sawyer takes great delight in trying to find out what that is. During a swim, Kate and Sawyer locate passengers from their plane, locked into their seats, rotting on the water’s bottom floor. The case is under them and Sawyer carries it around with him as Kate looks for the perfect opportunity to steal it from him. Jack eventually is involved when Kate tries to get him to tell her the burial place of the marshal. Jack wants to know what is in the case because Kate lies to him about the key and the case, considering her actions hurtful. Kate simply wants to keep her past hidden. Her past reveals—when we are taken to a bank in flashback where Kate is pretending to be looking to secure a loan in New Mexico, actually scoping the place and working to manipulate the operations manager into opening a vault—ties to bank robbers, with a deep kiss to the ringleader. So Kate isn’t some sweetheart. She’s got serious baggage. A little plane in the envelope is all she wanted. It represents her crime. It haunts her. Jack can only walk away from her in disappointment. So through all of this, any idea of certain romance could perhaps be ruled out. That is okay to Sawyer…he could probably care less (in fact he might even find it attractive) what lies in Kate’s past. But Jack, in all his integrity, can’t condone Kate’s actions. The lies and attempts at deceit, Kate has distanced Jack. Coming clean might have been the better option, but Kate isn’t comfortable just telling her past. And Kate’s angelic glow has dimmed somewhat considering her romantic attachment to a douchebag crook.


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