Twin Peaks - "I Am the FBI"

To not write something considering how I feel about the sixteenth episode of Twin Peaks, I can’t not do it. Twin Peaks fans—check its Reddit u/TwinPeaks if you don’t believe me—are so fulfilled after this episode you can just feel the emotional uplifting Dale’s return has on us all. I can’t put it into words exactly how much of a fangasm we had uniformly for Dale’s “I Am FBI”. It is our G-Spot hit right perfect. Consider our eyes gone white and the sweet feeling of orgasm just reached in unison. We have waited for that moment and got it. Bob took Dale from us but his return was well worth waiting for. Sure we all ponder the possibility of MacClachlan getting an Emmy nom (and after tonight’s episode Laura Dern and Emma Watts) for his work, but I think he’s so beloved by his Twin Peaks fandom that even if he was (wrongfully) denied that it wouldn’t much matter. Lynch built this beautifully, making us wait for it. Wait for Dale to emerge at just the right time. It took fifteen episodes but once he was “awake”, as Mike so proclaimed, the fans received what they so desperately longed for. Lynch knew exactly when to do it and so many of us felt rewarded. Oh, and when he hugs Jane-E and Sonny Jim, telling them goodbye, it certainly tugged on my heartstrings and brought tears to my eyes. I quipped on the Reddit Episode Discussion Thread that “Lynch does love us, doesn’t he?”


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