Stunts and Fire

While I admit this movie was fun on a braindead level to me, CGI flames have never quite satisfied me, and I miss those grand days (brought back by Tarantino's Death Proof, as a for instance) where real stunt men (like Road Warrior) got behind cars and flipped those jokers without an assist from computers and visual effects maestros. Plus, I must confess that I prefer Drive Angry if just to actually see Cage kicking people's ass rather than a CGI cartoon character from a comic book with a flaming skull head and charred leather outfit. There is one badass scene where Ghost Rider operates construction equipment and it turns into what looks like a monster harley, eviscerating a construction site and black market weapons dealers and gunmen. I think why I had a blast watching Neil Marshall's Doomsday was that extended chase reminded me of the awesome days of yore when cars flipped and flew in mid air, crashlanding in heaps and explosions, not made on computer screens by software but through the courage and stupidity of stuntmen willing to put all on the line (not to mention, those willing to don special costumes set on fire) to make an action scene rock hard.


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