Oh, one more thing...

I noticed that at the end, West worked a little of Kubrick's The Shining in there with that "Oh shit, time to run like hell and get out of Dodge" score and camera-work, Paxton caught in the fucking basement (smart to go back there when Healy tells you to stay seated in the inn lobby), trying to get to safety with phantoms on her tail, running into a chain-bolted double-doors. I think this will become a standard directorial touch West will be known for because House of the Devil had that same sort of feeling; the heroine is now totally convinced that evil lives, the place she currently inhabits is bad for your health, and an escape route is necessary. Of course, according to however you conceived the ghosts...urrm, spirits, Paxton, even if successful in getting out of the basement, might not have truly fled the haunts.


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