There's a really funny scene where Cage is riding his fiery bike and he's fighting the demon for supremacy, his face contorting back and forth between his human face and the ghost rider skull, pouring on the "Nicsanity face". You'll know what I mean when you see it. I like this Cage, when he's all in (like Snake Eyes) and free to not tone it down. Relaxed and free Cage, to me, is fun Cage. My favorite performance from Cage of recent memory is in Herzog's Bad Lieutenant New Orleans movie; there is no restraint and he's clearly taking the chance to go any place he sees fit to carry the character. That is sort of the place here. I think he knows exactly what kind of character he has here, someone who made a mistake, owns up to it, wishes to be let go of the burdens that came in this moment of weakness, and be able to live a normal life, not fighting the demon that hungers for souls.
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