
 I was watching the great 1931 film, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), when I started to think about the past five or so years. Then I came to realize, it has never been just five or so years. I truly believe we all have Hyde inside us. And I believe Hyde has pervasively occupied this entire world to its ugly fullest by 2021. Every single day Hyde gains such a foothold on our world, the goodness of Jekyll becomes so lost in the ether, what is left is only hideousness, viciousness, disregard, and this beast that calls out, "FREE AT LAST!!!!" I think there is no serum, no potion, no concoction of science that would bury him back within. Hyde has always been. Millions have died because of Hyde and millions more will. The horror genre I love because a film made 90 years ago based on a book written in 1886 provides quite a metaphor that seems as potent and real today as it has when published for all the generations since.

Unlike Jekyll, who tried to fight Hyde, to struggle to keep him tucked away, it does seem that as a society, the ugly beast is encouraged to just gleefully run rampant, destroying and seeking to destroy. And not just encouraged, but made money off of. What I consider is when you play with Hyde, want him to be everywhere, the damage and wreckage that beast causes will have consequences, repercussions, and all hope will be lost on any future.

***I wrote this while rather depressed, and this feeling of nihilism so overtook me for a bit. I still want to leave it because it felt right at the time.***


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