Curses and Little Mikey Myers
The Theatrical Cut is no longer a necessary or even preferred Halloween 6 version although the Brother Cane song at the end will always be recommended by me, at least. But now that the Producer's Cut is quite available and no longer a difficult bootleg you have to seek out illegally, the Theatrical Cut more or less exists as an alternative to be shown on television. And the Theatrical Cut is what you normally see on AMC Networks, so the very dizzying, jarring editing and rough cuts here and there--leaving us with a confounding experience that I remember feeling frustrated seeing it in the theater with the trip home on a Sunday afternoon spent baffled and befuddled with what the filmmakers left us--continues every October to be what many Halloween series' fans see. This version also rubbed me the wrong way with how the character of Jamie is just discarded with great malice and disregard, while poor Pleasence, appearing one last time as Dr. Loomis, is parsed out in brief increments, more of a ceremonial visit than a very important character to this jumbled Thorn Curse story, badly chopped with great chunks tossed out until later reassembled for the Producer's Cut. I'm so glad I have the Producer's Cut on Blu, released rather unceremoniously one October for the boring Walmart Halloween shelf a few years ago. The convoluted Thorn Curse addition to the Myers mythology was really emphasized in the fifth film, but Samhain was mentioned as far back as Halloween II from 1981 and even the Michael-less Halloween III from 1982. But the Theatrical Cut provides inserts more or less, excerpts of what was supposed to the be offered to audiences provided in the Producer's Cut later. This version does give you a head explosion although the doctors are attacked by Michael for some reason and Loomis' fate is left confusingly off screen. It does retain that great October seasonal feel, the Salt Lake City location shooting well presented even if the film is cut by Eddy Scissors.
I hope to watch the Producer's Cut soon. I look to be more character specific with that film, as I compare the two versions.
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