Killer High
Syfy "original", Killer High (2018), was their October release from last year, I guess. Nonetheless this is my first time watching it. And probably last. Three teenagers are searching an abandoned school for items when one of them locates an old trunk dug up by a company on the verge of turning an old school into a cemetery. Inside the trunk is a warthog mask he wears, and transforms into a literal killer warthog with large tusks. Flimsily explained as residue from the rage that existed in a player kicked off a team, strange properties cultivating a beast to emerge from the wearer, the spirit of the killer drives the warthog to destroy everyone in it's sight. Rohl, as the high school reunion organizer for her ten year class has remained in her home town despite it's declining status--it has no police department or school, just a left-behind relic--is amusing if a wee bit self-absorbed--okay, a lot self-absorbed--wanting her work to be admired, considering it took two years worth of blood to pay for it. Often neglecting the advice of her friends (Bromfield and Saraga), especially when she should call off the reunion after the warthog kills classmates (!), Rohl will have no choice but to when nearly all their student class is massacred! Rohl's insecurities, hidden behind false bravado and confidence, certainly derive from her rivalry with the stunning Rodriguez. Saraga comes up with the school idea as a place for the reunion party, while Broomfield gets credit she tries to give to him but Rohl already has her mind on the preparations. Saraga is the kid often ignored in school and forgotten after graduation, but he's often the hero in the film, in love with Broomfield. Rodriguez arrives, looking like a million bucks, typically great at everything, Rohl defiant and basks in what victories she did have in high school (sigh, she does indeed cling to school memories like many do) when the two competitively list their accomplishments (or lack thereof). Not sure what was up with the slow motion victims-in-flight kill sequences as the warthog charges into folks. Blood as it leaves the bodies attacked often frozen as victim faces display terror as a synth score underlies their doom. The elderly teacher in the wheelchair who can no longer talk, using a whiteboard and marker, gets some screen time, telling Saraga and Broomfield the warthog attacks happened before. The director gets the chance to mount a camera in front of her as Saraga anxiously pushed her chair around in a failed attempt to get away. Many might find the cast inviting and high school reunion humor charming. A Christian who once partied put her trust in God, with cross in hand, getting beheaded. A salesman can't detach balloon string from his chain wallet, dragged to his death. There are severed limbs, a victim hurled into florescent lights, gores from those dangerous husks that throw folks in flight, and lots of blood, including an epic spray from a dropped body to the floor in slow motion. Can't forget use of archery and shovel. Slasher creature feature nonsense you've seen plenty of times except this time with a warthog. The cast understands the absurdity of it all as does the filmmakers. 2/5
*After going over it, I did want to mention that the film does build good will with me in regards to young adults returning to their reunion hoping to impress each other, often using where they currently are in life as a measuring stick. I like how Rohl reacts when asked about her own "accomplishments". Say what you will about the silly horror plot, the cast came to make the most of it, and I thought they were fun.
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