Dark Shadows - The Visitation of Barnabas Collins

Episode 227 Presents:

Maggie deals with physical reactions brought on by Barnabas' visit. Sam and Joe recognize that something is not right. That Maggie is "ill". Barnabas wants Sam to finish his painting. Maggie's health seems worse during the day, and it very well could be that she is a victim of the vampire.

Maggie awakens worse for wear probably because Barnabas shows up at her bedside, eyeing her with mouth open with sharp fangs, just anticipating sinking those pearly whites into the soft flesh of her neck. The restless sleep, inability to evade the pervasive darkness of the vampire, Maggie is now Barnabas' conquest. Her father finds her unable to gather her bearings, uncharacteristically sleeping in, late for work, irritable and even course with him. She grabs at her aching head, seems barely able to stand, but persists in trying to to to work despite her father's best attempts to convince her otherwise. And even when there, she can barely hold up the plate for a coffee cup much less pour the coffee into it, leaving Joe concerned about her odd behavior. Eventually Sam catches up to her, watching her collapse, but Maggie will not go to the doctor. She does seem to rebound once in bed at home but once Joe leaves the house she seems to improve even more, insisting on going over to The Old House with Sam. Barnabas is there, quite pleased Maggie comes along, as if he expected her but wanted to see if she would willingly arrive, as if he needed proof that his hold on her was assured. That sinister air about Barnabas is evident and looking out the window once Sam and him request Maggie go home and get rest, he does appear to be synchronized to her now. As if, much like Willie, Maggie is gradually becoming enslaved to him, even though she doesn't realize it.

I live for that opening scene where Barnabas arrives through her window, the camera focusing on the wolf-head cane, the signet ring on his finger, and the vampire fangs. You didn't see that when Willie was the victim, but the process of turning his attention to Maggie, a clear target he will torment in more ways than one. This isn't romance as much as it is predator and prey. Barnabas is in full villain mode right now. He looks to be taken with compulsion, almost so drawn to Maggie that he could give off suspicion to Sam, her dad. So Dark Shadows is cooking, if you like your Gothic Horror, right now is where the series is starting to find its true identity. 4/5


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