• Sawyer getting a haircut from Kate as Hurley and Michael tell him they are glad he's okay. He's came a long way since that polar bear was shot and Sayid tortured him. Kate certainly seems grateful and radiates as he cracks wise and gets all uncomfortable with kindness offered his way. I guess he'd rather have folks pissed at him.
  • Michael spends plenty of time at that computer supposedly talking to his son somehow. Can't wait to see how this is possible. His learning how to shoot thanks to Locke and eyeballing Locke as he adjusts the combination lock to the gun vault obviously hints at a concocting plan.
  • Charlie hiding heroin in a tree proposes potential relapse. Will he get the urge to return to his addiction? Claire excommunicating him due to his secrecy and lies might just be a catalyst.
  • Charlie and Claire were fading as focal characters so The 23rd Psalm gave them much needed screen and story time.


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