Lost - Orientation*

You watch an episode that just has so much to unpack. It is just so loaded with content that you just know reaches far into the series. How do I even begin really?

Desmond has been at the computer in the underground bunker for quite some time waiting for his “replacement”. The Dharma Initiative dates back to 1970 according to Dr. Marvin Candle (Chau), found on a video tape as directed to it by Desmond. Both Jack and Locke watch it and it seems there are several research stations, this one being “the Swan”, Station 3. I asked a buddy at work who loves this show…”Umm, where are the first two stations and are there others after this one?” I noticed the mentioning of zoology. I had noticed in the previous episode, “Adrift”, the Dharma Swan insignia on the tail of a shark causing mischief towards Sawyer and Mike. The polar bear attacks…why are they on the island? Perhaps now we know. As far as Desmond fleeing the underground station, he served his time and gained his freedom thanks to Locke (and Jack, much to his distaste). The countdown clock (“108 minutes until what?”, as that is the question) on the wall is the pressure cooker plot device of Orientation, as Jack seems to consider this a test while Locke is certain that it is indeed legitimately a doomsday weapon that must be taken seriously. Desmond decides to simply run away once the power shorts in the research station (electromagnetic research station, it seems…), leaving the countdown clock to continue as Locke urges Kate to find Sayid (Hurley comes with them) so he can maybe fix the shot computer. Sayid does follow Kate to the research station, and he successfully fixes the motherboard once she gets the power turned back on, finding the breaker eventually. It is then left up to Locke and Jack to determine if they should type in Hurley’s cursed numerical code and hit the Execute button or not. Does Jack let the countdown go to zero or hit the Execute button? Locke convinces Jack to have a little faith and be his #2. So will they continue to keep watch on the countdown or eventually say, Fuck it?


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