Lost - ...And Found

Ana, Bernard, Libby, Cindy (Kimberley Joseph), and Mr. Eko initiate a return to the camp of Mike, Sawyer, and Jin as being cut off (with the danger of they not too far…) from others who aren’t hostile is not ideal. Through Mr. Eko does Jin realize the others are near and quite dangerous, as they pursue Mike who has ran off to find his son. Eko has Jin hide with him behind thick green, with a kid dragging a teddy bear following dirtied legs of who very well could be they. Sawyer’s shoulder wound is worsening his condition as he often has combative vocal sparring with Ana. I always think those two secretly want to go somewhere to fuck but they’d keep it between them (and not even tell each other) before revealing such feelings. Libby indicates to Mike (and a little later Eko to Jin when he finds a stabbed rotting corpse) that they have killed many of their party. Eko says that they will only be found if they want to be found. So there you go. With flashbacks showing us how Jin and Sun “run into each other” (literally) as she is fixed up with a very wealthy (but hospitable and respectable, mannered and charming) young man (who tells Sun he met an American girl he plans to marry from Harvard) while he is “mining the posh restaurant door”, on the island Sun is trying to locate her missing wedding ring while Jin is with Eko, eventually finding Mike who wants them both to leave while screaming out his son’s name. Mike isn’t thinking too clearly and Eko tries to talk sense into him. What good is trying to reach and rescue his son if he’s killed for calling attention to himself? It is already quite understood that they seem to have all the right cards. Where could the ring be? It is important to Sun to find it, as the ring’s absence just tears her up inside. If Jin isn’t okay or coming back, that ring is what she has of their time together. Jin’s status as a fisherman’s son might be frowned upon by Seoul’s “upper class” but when on the island, being able to easily catch fish certainly is a considerable asset. We see poor Bernard and Ana just stuck with an empty net while Jin immediately hauls out of the drink three or four fish. Instead of calling out for his son and receiving nothing but quiet, Eko and Jin finally convince him that option won’t get him Walt back. There’s a time and place for that. Jack had been shown in the past as being married but the missing wedding ring does have Sun curious, and he briefly acknowledges that is part of his past. It is clearly still quite a fresh pain, too. And Kate does, in her own way, indicate to Sun that she regrets not saying goodbye to Sawyer.


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