I watched RoadKill (2010) for the first time since 2010-ish, and for the time being I just wanted to post a large close-up of Sophie Lowe. Seriously, you can almost shoot anything in the Outback and it is incredibly atmospheric. I had a rather successful review for it back in 2010, but something might come together at some point tonight. I watched it again last night. Big Rig "Duel" takes detour into increasingly strange route involving how the truck has a weird effect on those who drive or ride in it. It feeds off bodies, blood its fuel, and those it possesses provide it nourishment by wrecking motorists and taking them into the back hauler. Lowe winds up in peril, avoiding being mulch for the Road Train. She's so easy on the eyes and following her as she tries to stay alive while her boyfriend, who had suffered an injury in a wreck caused by another wacko who was in the truck at the time, is all too happy to feed the rig, isn't hard at all. And I love how she rocks those boots, too...

This came to me while on the film's message board and I think it is rather effective because of it. There was this sarcastic question regarding the rig nickname, Road Train:
The rig is fierce like a charging locomotive, but I found the hood and nose of the truck resembled a bull. 


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