"We're gonna die out here."

Watching The Blair Witch Project - well, half-watching it, tonight since it was on - a memory come back to me from when three of ourselves got lost in the woods. You can really get turned around in the woods, even if behind your house. Venture in deep, forge ahead, make mistakes, go too far and before you know it you're lost. As kids, my brother loved for us to head off into the woods. My cousin would come down from Tupelo and the three of us would waste a Saturday afternoon adventuring. One afternoon we walked ourselves into the woods, winding up walking miles out of our way. Not finding familiar signposts back, walking in circles without that key spot/path leading us back home, that terror and fear is palpable. People probably laugh at the film and feel certain that'd never happen to them. Go ahead. Enter in. Walk a piece. Might want to leave bread crumbs. Mark some trees. And be afraid. Be very afraid.


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