Oh, a couple more things...

I was ironing my clothes for tomorrow, and a few details I would like to add while they are on my mind.

*Oliver Stone is in love with Lively's face and if you find her beautiful then you are in luck because he is persistent in shooting her up close practically the entire movie. Like the two men in her life, Lively is covered in tattoos.

*Oliver Stone uses the Sunset Boulevard narrative technique where Lively explains to us that she may not be alive even though she's communicating this film's story to us. Ugh.

*Stone incorporates a lot of heightened dramatic music for the heroes but I cared so little about them that this had no effect on me.

*I know: this is a drug movie and explains this in the trailers. I was just hoping for something profound. Ha, in retrospect, it's my own fault. I deserve to lose my money on this movie.


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