Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Next Generation
I do admit that whatever the Rothman character in the suit and hairpiece is, arriving as if he got out of a meeting with his staff at the office, in a limo with a driver even, only to open his shirt, reveal he has body modification and piercings, licking Jenny's face, it never made sense to me in Henkel's 88 minute cut. Since I watched this on HBO Max, that remains a real submission by Henkel that leaves the film with edit issues that sort of stops the film dead in its tracks, right in the middle of Vilmer's never-ending madness, when throwing down his lover, Darla (who seems to run a business out of a trailer and has left her husband for Vilmer), many times and grabbing Jenny by the throat and pressing her against walls and chairs (among other places). The brother of Vilmer with a shotgun and steady stream of quotes from people he likes to bring up following remarks about current situations, Walter, and Leatherface (often in dresses, women's faces and hair), who screams in outbursts and fits, seem to be *less* crazy than Vilmer...that is not such an easy feat! I have some thoughts on Letterboxd I hope to add later, but finishing this film for the first time in over ten years (I did watch it a few times on cable in the early 2000s and, I believe, rented it once on VHS in the late 90s), I do admit that the film wasn't a bad watch this go-around specifically because of Zellweger, who I really, really liked a lot.
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