2001 Maniacs (2005) - Archive
A group of typically sex-crazed obnoxious northerners take a wrong turn on their way to Daytona Beach and wind up(thanks to some detour sign)in Pleasant Valley where they are greeted rather warmly(albeit a bit sinister)by the southern town folk. Then they all begin being slaughtered by these people as they get revenge for having perished during the Civil War. Robert Englund is indeed a hoot as the head of this southern clan as they butcher and maim these kids(one dies from acid, another gets pulled apart by horses). If one wonders how to take this film seriously at all should've taken a look at the cover of the box which features a crazed Englund donning a confederate themed eye patch. The film is one long gory comedy as we either are turned off at the excessive violence or giggle at the silliness of it. It's certainly geared for those who are willing to let go and just watch not taking anything really that serious. It has written all over it.."This is only a movie." A film like this will have a built-in fan base for it delivers on the gore and hokey humor(specifically covering every hick joke known to man except the fart gags). If you are easily offended or can not bend a little in the implausibility of it all..stay away.
April 12, 2006
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