The Vampire Diaries - The Last Day
This is the kind of episode that stacks the deck and
practically involves the entire cast, with Elena obviously the prize and those
she loves fodder for the antagonist to lure into a trap so she cannot get away.
But Damon isn’t one to just sulk around his mansion and let her just sacrifice
herself. He impulsively feeds Elena his blood, assuring her that when Klaus
kills her she would become a vampire! Stefan isn’t too happy with this,
engaging in a fight with his brother for going against Elena’s wishes. Despite
getting the better of Damon, Damon responds by staking Stefan out of
intensified anger. As Stefan later tells Elena, all the senses are heightened,
overwhelming. Stefan takes Elena to the top of an idyllic waterfall to talk
about vampirism and if she ever thought about it or wanted to possibly be one.
She insists this is not what is desired, Elena actually wanting to live a long
life past 17 years old.
Klaus is the kind of smug bastard who throws around his
superiority to “lesser vampires”. Damon does go after Maddox, Klaus’ witch,
with Matt (of all people) saving the day with a rifle! Matt saving Damon…that
is something I wouldn’t have thought was possible. This is The Vampire Diaries, though. The creative team finds ways to
involve the entire cast in ways not imagined. I do like that Matt is now used
more within the main series’ arc instead of just melodrama subplot underwear to
put on and take off when he’s needed. First it was Elena who preferred Stefan,
and at this point it appears Caroline is choosing Tyler of him. Matt is always
just unlucky in love. But he just so happens to be in the right place at the
right time as far as Damon is concerned. The episode returns to Jonas and Luka’s
death, recognizing Greta—Klaus’ other allied witch—as perfectly willing to do
whatever Klaus wants. It isn’t emphasized to any great extent, but Greta does
dismiss her brother and father’s attempts to “save” her. They died in vain.
That is a tragedy not quite given enough real emotional oomph, but Greta willingly
joining forces with Klaus speaks on how futile it seems to try and save someone
who doesn’t want to be.
To many of us the similarities to Twilight (2008) cannot be dismissed. And because of that, a certain
section of horror fan won’t give The Vampire Diaries a passing thought. I admit
that I watch the show because of my family. But I’m the first to credit the
writing staff when I am impressed with the clever bait and switch work they
apply which seems to indicate to us that Elena has no way out and the end is
near only to produce an alternative route towards rescue. How to keep that up
requires consistent ingenuity (and more than a bit contrivance). Still the show
features the forces of darkness [insert soap opera gum in the works] seemingly
trying to thwart a vampire and human in love; The Vampire Diaries can’t really disguise the familiarity it has
with Twilight. Of course, this show
has to move beyond that and develop multiple characters, not just Elena and
Stefan. And including Damon in the triangle, as friends of Elena’s get drawn
into the dangers trying to prevail against her, can gradually give The Vampire Diaries its own identity
even as it includes vampires, witches, and werewolves in the horror genre.
Damon is often a help and curse to Stefan and Elena. He is
dead set to prevent Elena from sacrificing herself in the hopes that Elijah’s “resurrection
elixir” will return her to the land of the living. That was a chance Damon just
wasn’t willing to take. Even though it is not supposed to be his choice to
make, nonetheless, Damon doesn’t care. And his blood in Elena’s system would
seem to indicate she’ll be a vampire by day’s end into night.
Caroline and Tyler as the vampire and werewolf picks Klaus
decides are fit to die for the ritual [to set free his dormant werewolf side],
Elena, the doppelganger, and Greta offering her witchcraft services to him as
he is currently in possession of the moonstone…the episode builds up Klaus
legitimacy as a serious threat that Elena and her friends may not overcome.
Klaus is so full of himself, how satisfying it would be to see him usurped.
Elijah appears early in the episode, only to never be seen again once Damon
ruins his elixir plans. Damon getting vervain to Katherine so she could avoid
being compelled by Klaus serves as a “I scratch your back, you scratch mine”
situation, getting information when needed. Klaus tests her often, but
Katherine is good at avoiding detection. Even told to go into sunlight,
Katherine has to endure the agony of the experience in order to keep her secret
from Klaus. This is just the show’s way of keeping Katherine relevant, in my
opinion. Caroline wanting to know why Tyler went away without saying goodbye,
lured back to Mystic Falls because of Maddox’s sending his mother off her stairs,
once again builds up yet another love triangle. Matt is released from any
obligation to continue lying to Caroline, although her mother is determined to
see through towards the fight against vampires. Damon learns of the tomb where
Klaus is keeping Tyler and Caroline imprisoned in strong chain from Katherine
by laying out the possibility that Stefan would have Elena forever as a vampire…I
thought that was rather amusing. Katherine sure doesn’t want to compete for
Stefan with Elena as a vampire; Damon knows exactly what buttons to push. And
the continuous acknowledgment of the elephant in the room—Damon’s love for
Elena—remains a thorn in the relationship of Stefan and Elena. Damon believes
addressing matters head-on is the way to go while Elena wants to avoid getting
those she loves hurt…this clashing of mentalities produces plenty of unneeded
extra drama.
And Klaus rubbing his bravado in the face of Damon—knowing
he was an Original while this Salvatore trying to undermine his plans is
inferior in strength—creates this heavy presence of animosity. No results can
be reached here because Damon can be exposed as too weak, leaving open his
having to use his wits to somehow outsmart this adversary. Klaus does point out
that Damon failed even as he freed Tyler (turning werewolf in the nearby woods
after escaping the tomb) and Caroline…backup plan in Jules…and a transitioning
Jenna! Elena finding Jenna at the ritual site, bit and on the verge of turning,
the replacements for Klaus seem to assure he’ll be free of the “sun and moon”
curse…only a matter of time. But where is Elijah? That is the ultimate
question. And with Damon bit by Klaus, the werewolf infection emerges on his
arm…how will he escape this bind???
*Alaric arrives as himself and recuperates the estranged romantic relationship with Jenna, only to potentially lose her for good.
*Alaric arrives as himself and recuperates the estranged romantic relationship with Jenna, only to potentially lose her for good.
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