The Vampire Diaries - The House Guest
**½ / ****
Sure enough, what I thought would happen does in the
episode, The House Guest, in regards to the
re-emergence of Isobel at the end. Her name had been too much a part of
conversation as of late. It is such a tell when Isobel continues to be
mentioned in dialogue over and over. With Alaric trying to keep the truth from
Jenna out of protection, it was only a matter of time before Isobel showed up
to get him off the hook.
The soap opera yo-yo effect remains in high standing, as the
show’s creative staff continue to rely on the tease of romantic love, just to
pull characters apart as the formula must remain intact. Alaric and Jenna,
Caroline and Matt, Stefan and Elena…as much as the viewer might believe all
these couples belong together, the soap opera yo-yo effect formula can’t allow
that to happen. Once again Matt and Caroline’s relationship appears to be on
the verge of reigniting only for a plot development to undermine it. That would
be the death of Luka and rage of Jonas to secure Elena for Klaus to get his
daughter back. You have Luka alive and well until Jonas reluctantly agrees to
send him on a mission to pull the dagger from the chest of Elijah while Damon
and Katherine spend time (as plenty of angst between them intensifies) in the
Salvatore home. Stefan and Damon scour the journals of Gilbert looking for the
location of a witch burial ground. It was a location Elijah was also quite
interested in finding. Katherine notices the dagger rising out of the chest of
Elijah, holding the blade in place, fighting against the presence of Luka who
tells his father (Luka and Jonas are in the same room at their home, but he
teleports his presence also into the Salvatore residence) she’s too strong.
Even worse for Luka, despite stabbing Katherine with a stake (narrowly missing
the heart), Damon sets him on fire. Because his “psychic essence” was torched,
so was Luka at his home. Jonas is unable to keep his son from dying and this
incurs his wrath.
Onward to the Grille, Jonas takes aim for Elena, and it
appears that the only way to stop him is to kill him. Katherine has a plan.
Katherine’s objective to kill Klaus actually partners her with Elena and the
Salvatores. Although she’d prefer Elena out of the way to have Stefan for
herself, it is through her nemesis that Klaus’ demise seems possible. So this
reluctant team is the best shot. With Isobel arriving at the end, the overall
story arc of Elena’s danger and Klaus’ eventual appearance gets even more
conflicted. Isobel being Elena’s real mother, Jenna finally confronted with a
lot of unexpected truth (that is unless everyone continues to keep information
from her), and Alaric loved by both could produce quite a bit of tension as
Damon’s rejection by Katherine in favor of Stefan continues
to be a cut opened back up, and his response of disgust is understandable. To
know that Katherine willingly allowed Damon to put himself in danger without
him knowing it (the dagger of white oak ash he would have stabbed into Klaus if
it weren’t for Stefan and Alaric) because she chose Stefan’s life when having
to decide between them isn’t easy to swallow. And Katherine attempting to
seduce Damon only salts the cut, with him dismissing her much to her chagrin.
Katherine figures that if she keeps on long enough Damon will agreeably bed
her. But he’s not having it…yet. She can be quite persuasive.
Katherine being responsible for Jonas’ death provides that
rare joining of forces that often happens between heroes and villains when
there appears to be an even greater threat on the horizon. Klaus has been such
a topic of great attention, his arrival will prove to be a considerably
significant event…The Vampire Diaries certainly lays out certain characters as
quite relevant less than subtly.
While I continue to cringe when Bonnie and Jeremy are
affectionate and grimace as Caroline sings Eternal Flame to Matt (ugh),
Katherine’s restlessness as nothing of great excitement exists for her while
waiting to execute Klaus has been entertaining to me. Damon has been able to
resist her, rightfully pissed about being rejected despite waiting so long to
release her out of pure love from the tomb he thought she was trapped. Caroline
holding her vampire secret from Matt until this episode forces her hand (Jonas
stabs him with a broken liquor bottle at the Grille when he sets the bar afire
and tortures Caroline with quite a magic headache) just after the two were
making up (and making out in a room in the bar) once again produces a divide
that comes between them. The yo-yo effect alive and well. Even with Tyler out
of the picture, Matt blames Caroline for his sister’s “ill effects”, claiming
her vampirism was the reason. Matt needed Caroline’s blood to survive but the
realization of her being a vampire very well might be the end to their rocky
romance. If only the writer’s room would toss a dynamite stick in the
developing romance of Bonnie and Jeremy…that yo-yo effect I could get behind.
Candice Accola sure can belt a tune! Even if it is Eternal Flame...
Bonnie asking Elena's permission to date Jeremy and getting it gave my family the giggles. They know I crush for Bonnie and just love she's involved with my least favorite character on the show.
Katherine is growing on me. Elena could use some of her personality. It just looks like Dobrev is going through the motions when stuck with Elena even as she's the center of everything.
Bonnie getting her powers back before Jonas got his neck snapped, not long after Katherine bit the warlock on the neck, quickly wrapped up a brief angle I expected to go a while longer. This was quite a rush job!
Katherine has the two best scenes in an otherwise underwelming episode: tricking both Stefan and Damon into thinking and not thinking she was Elena and suckering Jonas into believing she was Elena towards the end.
Candice Accola sure can belt a tune! Even if it is Eternal Flame...
Bonnie asking Elena's permission to date Jeremy and getting it gave my family the giggles. They know I crush for Bonnie and just love she's involved with my least favorite character on the show.
Katherine is growing on me. Elena could use some of her personality. It just looks like Dobrev is going through the motions when stuck with Elena even as she's the center of everything.
Bonnie getting her powers back before Jonas got his neck snapped, not long after Katherine bit the warlock on the neck, quickly wrapped up a brief angle I expected to go a while longer. This was quite a rush job!
Katherine has the two best scenes in an otherwise underwelming episode: tricking both Stefan and Damon into thinking and not thinking she was Elena and suckering Jonas into believing she was Elena towards the end.
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