Macumba sexual: Closing thoughts

I did want to close with some final thoughts before moving on completely from Macumba sexual. The ending is rather fascinating to me. The “it’s all a dream” twist is a standard bearer of such films as this. It is kind of a bummer but I guess it should be expected. However, Lina Romay’s character isn’t the same. This whole surreal fantasy has left her scarred. Obongo is forever etched in her psyche and sexual subconscious. Within all the psycho-sexual madness and rampant nudity, I think Franco gets the point across that deep inside Romay is a desire that wantonly created itself from the ether. Inside her Obongo represents this loud aching yearning to be set free. The foursomes that emerge, how Romay just goes manic on Obongo’s vagina at the end that results in her “demise”, and the unleashing primal scream at the end that frightens her man while in bed (after awakening from her total fantasy once it “dies”) are these provoked urges exploding. I kind of dig the approach and idea. I think many of us perhaps harbor similar urges but are seemingly in control enough to not allow Obongo to overtake us. Others allow Obongo to have her say, allowing the urges to take harvest and unveil themselves in one way or another. Although I can’t say I was enamored with the naked bodies on display in this film, the situation I found quite arousing. There is one scene where Romay gives in and lets Obongo and her minions tongue her naked body…and towards the end once again the phallic artifact in the shape of a figure Obongo might consider important to her is used to pleasure Romay. These instances build up to the climax where a rabid Romay just goes berserk on Obongo while she lays there inert and barely responsive. I wasn’t quite fond of that decision, but I think the point was a reversal of roles…Obongo becomes the “victim” and Romay becomes the “carnivore”. Romay, to her credit, is fearless. She goes with whatever Franco wants and embraces the lusty devotion to what her character “endures”. 
With Franco, you get the good and the bad. The divisive nature of his films is quite revealing when he’s mentioned in conversations. The quantity is quite exhaustive. I think Macumba sexual is one of his key films during the latter part of his career. I certainly think his equipment and the location are a step above a lot of the work directed in the 70s (and towards the very end of his career), and Franco just seemed inspired. To reiterate, I think if you are a fan of Romay and her body, this film gives you plenty. That wig, though….yikes.


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