I do think, though, that judging by what I have been reading here lately on the Internet Movie Database, a film like The Undying Monster will perhaps be viewed harshly. Its title would lead you perhaps to believe this should have a structure featuring a number of werewolf attacks. Anticipation often goes hand in hand with disappointment. Expectations can lead to a sigh and deeply felt woah. I include a couple more images to emphasize that filmmaking craft means a lot to me personally. A composition given so much attention, care afforded to how a film (even if considered a modest cash-in, with a studio hoping to leech some profit from what audiences were shelling for House of Dracula) looks when it comes to light and shadow, mood specified in a location like the Hammonds manor with its history of tragedy. That danger lurks not necessarily outside as it does inside. A summoning of suspicion directed at the characters by how they are lit, and the way the surroundings are built as ominous, as safety isn't assured. All of this is recognized and appreciated by me, even if there isn't a snarling wolf-man beast and victims encountered by it every fifteen minutes or so. The craft of Brahm is much admired by me. Before Bava there was Brahm.
But this won't be immune to those critical of its talky script, use of detective methods to unearth a killer, and the scientific approach to solving a mystery on "who is the werewolf?" This isn't "The Wolf Man", but perhaps it deserves a look by fans just the same.
But this won't be immune to those critical of its talky script, use of detective methods to unearth a killer, and the scientific approach to solving a mystery on "who is the werewolf?" This isn't "The Wolf Man", but perhaps it deserves a look by fans just the same.
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