Friday the 13th Part 2
I have admitted in the past and in my recent review of Friday
the 13th that I actually prefer Steve Miner’s sequel to Cunningham’s
original, but I do not like the prologue to the opening credits at all. I find
a flashback montage pointless since most of your audience watching the sequel
have seen those scenes in the first film. Secondly, I find killing off the
first film’s survivor a bit disappointing. I understand the point of Jason
getting revenge for the beheading of his mom, seeing Alice chop her head off
with a machete couldn’t have been healthy (although, I’m lost as to how he’s up
and going considering he actually drowned in Crystal Lake, but why quibble
about such minor details?), but I agree with the critique (made in My Name Is
Jason) about the improbability in Jason finding her, the travel and return home
would certainly have been illogical for someone such as him to accomplish. Yes,
these details are probably meaningless to the fans who could give a shit, but I
do pay attention to such *trivial* matters. I’m not sure why, other than her
responsibility in protecting herself against a maniac by using the only weapon
available, the machete, there was some need to bring her back at the
beginning just to dispose of her like
trash. I’m not sure what was up with the teakettle, but Jason felt it should be
taken off a burning stove eye.

The violence in the film never really left me that impressed
besides the machete directly to the face of the quadriplegic in the wheelchair
(its audacity alone makes it memorable if a bit sick in the head) who rides
backwards down steps in the pouring rain. The character, Scott, seriously
devoted to shagging the babe who seems to appear in the film solely on the
purpose of remaining scantily clad or going for a moonlight swim in the nude,
does get it rather horribly, caught in a rope trap that hangs him upside down,
taking a slice to the throat; I think this is really unfortunate, no one could
be more vulnerable. The rest is rather uninspired. Sure a couple get the
arrowhead spear through them while still in sexual embrace, but it was culled
from Bava’s Bay of Blood (which was done even more ghoulishly), and the rest
are either off screen or done so in quick fashion as not to lavish in the
brutality. Michael Myers had also used a hammer to the head of a victim so its
use in Part II here seems ho-hum (although the sheriff who gets it sold that
hammer slam really well).
I noticed while watching the first two Friday films that the
use of the full moon (especially in Part II) is important as a symbol of madness—mentioned
in the original while the sheriff talks about how bad things always happen it
seems when there’s a full moon, Miner further implements this at the end as
Ginny runs for her life, finding Jason’s shack home, Jason following close
I think I don’t just speak for myself when I say that one of
this film’s best scenes has Ginny, before coming face to mask with Jason,
sincerely conversing about the plight of a child, now an adult, while at a bar
with Paul and his assistant (practical joker, the expected stereotype, except
in his case he actually survives) regarding a logical reasoning behind why his
mother did what she did, also arguing on his behalf, what he must have endured
and why it would have easily affected him, such trauma motivating him towards a
dark path. Paul and his assistant shrugs this off, barely even convinced that
he exists, but Ginny’s concerns do put an interesting spin on such a violent
rampage, a defense for Jason, but all of this is later undermined film after
film after film, body count rising inexplicably, as he soon becomes Zombie
Jason, and the purpose behind so much killing becomes moot.
Well, as I had mentioned while talking about the need of the
filmmakers to execute Alice from the first film, good ole Crazy Ralph can’t
stay away from the camps containing counselors and this time he’s not so lucky,
the last remaining character from the original to survive put out of his
misery. I just don’t understand the slasher philosophy of making sure that
anyone who happened to escape the previous film’s killer is only temporarily
successful. It was only later in this franchise that certain heroines/heroes
were indeed able to outlast Jason and not fall to him in the next film.
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