More shit talk on Miami Vice Season 5

 Just one last gripe since the marathon has returned to the first season out of the fifth season, the show at the end did both Gina and Trudy really dirty. While the 3rd and 4th seasons started to give these characters more to do, the fifth season just kicked them to the curb. That sucks. By the end, they were visiting Crockett and Castillo in the hospital at their beds while recovering from gunshot wounds or reacting to story action that rarely involves them. They got the shaft as Larry Zito (Diehl) did, until he was just killed off. The fifth season had episodes that just continued to emphasize Crockett and Tubbs could never have a relationship and got sick of their jobs. It was dreary, dark, and dour. The fun died out. The colors were muted. It was a drag.


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