Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

 Sort of an extension to my Letterboxd review, I think the sheriff saying Looks can be deceiving before he leans on a loose beam that sends a plank of nails into his forehead while twenty somethings in a cop truck believe cabin backwoods hillbillies killed him perfectly describes the hilarity of the slasher comedy story, a marvelous parody that doesn't age but get funnier.

The innovative wizardry of how the screenplay kills off psychotic Chad and sweet Allie's college friends is the film's near greatest strength besides the wonderful casting of Labine and especially Tudyk as lovable hillbillies startled by the violence brought into their territory from Chad and company, believing they kidnapped Allie. The idiotic accidental terminations (almost all self-inflicted or done out of sheer panic) include running right into an impaling (branch sticking out of a tree), explosion (Chad just blankets Tucker's cabin with gasoline, and another sets her friend on fire), woodchipper (all Tucker does is bend down while this other lunatic leaps right into it!), spear (tripping into a dug hole and landing on it as a mortified Dale gets bled on while Allie is knocked accidentally unconscious by a shovel), tree-trimmer (going for Dale, who ducks, instead tearing into another victim's face!), among other outrageous gore sequences. How the film kills off once stupid victim after another is gloriously absurd in the best possible dark comedic ways. But the tenderhearted Dale, all crushing on Allie, and Allie realizing Tucker and Dale are not at all as creepy as her and friends thought they were, proves that misjudgments can lead to disaster.

The revelations of Chad's father and mother, and his own "redneck" status, as he proves to be quite unstable (and as Dale admits in a huff) and "very strong", the film further elaborates on how appearances can indeed be deceiving.


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