Fatal Exam (1985, also copyrighted 1988 and release 1990)

 ...on Letterboxd, a number of reviewers commented on the long running time, which I also address...


Yeah, not to pile on, but this can be a slog when it doesn't really need to be. There is a fun 85 minute lean cut version of this St. Louis based horror film set primarily at a notorious house with a history of violence extended perhaps because the director had a lot of footage and just wanted to get as much on screen as possible. I get that those involved wanted to provide back story and reveal details about why a family was killed by someone supposed to protect them, revelations about a particular painting, and the demonic threat almost certain to plague humankind if unleashed. What stands between that demonic threat is a teacher and his class, offered extra credit to help him set up equipment to document the inside of the infamous house.

I think as a trip back to 1985, you get plenty of personality and quirks (the guy who saw the fucking severed head wears a Teacher's Pet shirt, the chainsmoking Pepsi drinker with the mullet, among others either attacked by a cloaked cult member with a scythe or students seemingly possessed attacking others not expecting violence visited upon them unawares), clothing and hair cut options, and the works. That is what I enjoyed about it myself. And I can't help but have an affection and affinity for that can-do spirit involved in assembling a crew and cast together independent of Hollywood gloss, coordinating efforts with what is available. I think this running time is as long as it is because those involved were indulging that pleasure to keep making a movie. But the creature at the end will be laughable to those not willing to forgive the filmmakers for the little budget they had to work with.

The cast will have its charm for those who are far more accessible to a low budget production's regional talent pool. I caught this on Shudder's Slashics Channel just after Joe Bob went off, so perhaps I was in the right spirits for something like this.


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